Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Have you ever wondered where numbers came from? Yeah, me neither. Specifically I mean the symbols to which we attach quantities such as 6 or 3. As I was cleaning out my email trash can (oops, I mean "recycle bin") I came across a little presentation that claims the origin of our numbers is based on how many angles are formed in each symbol. As a Geometry teacher, this was fairly intriguing to me. Check it out


  1. Aaron,

    That was a cool little explanation of number origins. Makes sense I suppose. Thanks for having that link to look at.
    Paul Torgerson

  2. Great p.p. about numbers. I teach 3rd grade math and after we discuss angles I think they would love to see that. Its always cool to go home and show your parents something they don't know! It would also be great to review types of angles. They would have a blast and learn a lot in the process. I am always looking for ways to teach or review concepts that are fun, meaningful and real. Thanks for the help!

  3. Wow, two years just flew by! Just a note--I've since found a source or two that debunks this theory on the origin of number symbols. So I'm still a little curious about how we got them.
